Tricia Wellings

Top Tips to achieving Ofsted Outstanding

Ofsted have changed their Evaluation Schedule twice over the last 4 years, making it that little bit harder to achieve the best grades. However, with the right leadership and some hard work and determination it is quite achievable to reach the highest grade. Here therefore, I share my ten top tips to help support you to make your early years setting Outstanding…

  1. Build high expectations in your staff team, of themselves, their children and their families
  2. Encourage thorough reflections from all staff to constantly look at improving practice
  3. Create a ‘WOW’ wall to engage ALL parents with their children’s learning
  4. Ensure observations are assessed and link this to your planning for next steps in learning
  5. Develop your teams qualifications and knowledge skills to increase their confidence
  6. Arrange planning and development meetings for your teams to discuss how they can support all children’s learning, not just their key children
  7. Make sure everyone knows their safeguarding inside out. Including how to make a direct referral and risk assess daily
  8. Be clear on how every individual supports children’s development of language
  9. Consider transitions on a broader scale, to include routine changes during the day
  10. Have a clear definition of what ‘school readiness’ means for your children in your locality